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Daoist Herbalism & Medicinal Mushrooms (Online Only)

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Module 4: Taoist Herbalism & Medicinal Mushrooms. Tonics, Teas, Tinctures & Extractions. The Science of Adaptogenics & Herbal Nootropics. – Phytochemicals Continues with Adaptogenic Herbs.

Take this as a stand alone course or as Module 4 of the Professional Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Degree Program. This course can also be taken with a 90 minute private tutoring session with one of our expert lecturers at Plant Based Academy. This comprehensive online certificate course will help you understand the importance of herbs and medicinal mushooms for optimal health and longevity, in particular the immunmodulating adaptogenic herbs that form the daoist herbalism philosophy. Created by culinary medicine experts specialising in taoist herbalism with years of research, culinary practise and clinical observations. This course is a deep dive into the art, science and theory of herbalism medicine as its use in disease prevention. This course is rich in content and recipes and in-depth lessons on cell biology, liver detoxification, brain health, mitochondria health, plant based nutritional science, using herbs as medicine, hormesis, plant hormetic compounds, longevity science and research and so much more.

This is the most comprehensive introduction to daoist herbalism with easy to follow practical steps for herbal extractions and including superior tonic herbs into your life and practise without 4 years of studying herbalism. This is a Master class in herbalism, hormesis and the incredible medicinal qualities of phytochemical compounds such as flavonoids, terpenes, saponins and polyphenols. This course is a stand alone course or can be taken as part of our certificate, diploma and degree program. You will learn in depth the science of human health biology, sirtuin longevity gene activators, Nrf2 immune system activators, switching off disease and inflammation state cascades using powerful compounds in herbs, mushrooms and spices. You will learn the daoist philosophy on the three energy systems Jing, Qi and Shen and how deficiencies in these systems contribute to the disease processes. Then you will learn how herbalism fits into this picture in the context of both a prevention and reversal of disease. This program is completely online with well structured lessons on cell biology, biochemistry, metabolism, digestive health, liver detoxification, hormesis and nutritional science with a focus on the role of herbal medicine in promoting health and preventing or reversing disease. The program culminates in a research project and practical culinary assignment with a written report. The program provides background experience for those interested in careers in the health industry settings, provides advanced training in herbal medicine for physicians and other health professionals who want to apply this in their practice, is a stepping stone to pursue our Certificate, Diploma or Advanced Degree, trains health educators who want to promote health and prevent lifestyle diseases using herbal medicine and medicinal mushrooms.

Individuals who may benefit from this course

Practitioners who are seeking comprehensive introduction to chinese herbal medicine. Individuals with a passion for plant based nutrition and herbal medicine which is using herbs, spices and mushrooms as medicine and incorporating some very specific herbs and compounds for optimal health, performance and longevity. Individuals seeking a formal comprehensive qualification and training in taoist herbal medicine theory and practise. Individuals with a curiosity or seeking formal introduction to herbal medicine. This herbal medicine online certification course is beneficial for individuals who have a keen interest in learning about the medicinal qualities of various herbs, spices and mushrooms. Herbal formulae can clear pathogenic factors, nourish deficiencies, move stagnation, harmonise the qi and calm the shen. They are extremely valuable in the treatment of acute conditions, and equally valuable for the chronic and complex conditions we see so much of in the West. 

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the program, the graduate should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a grasp of the science of phytochemicals and herbal medicine and its role in supporting and optimizing human health and longevity.
  • Competency in advanced herbal medicine skill, application and extraction methodology.
  • Understand the mechanism by which herbal medicine can play a role in treating and prevent metabolic diseases.
  • Safely and effectively incorporate the use of Chinese herbs into their clinical practice.
  • Articulate the basic theories of Chinese herbal medicine and the foundational knowledge of Chinese herbs, herbal formulations, and associated natural products.
  • Integrate relevant biomedical information into the practice of Chinese herbal medicine.

Educational Effectiveness Indicators

  • Comprehensive assignments 
  • Practical Culinary Presentation

Admissions Requirements

  • Interest or qualification in biology, nutrition, or equivalent field, or health professional. 
  • Transitioning to a plant based diet.
  • Clinician looking to incorporate plant based nutrition and herbal medicine.
  • Student of nutritional sciences or health sciences.
  • Interest in addressing, preventing and reversing disease states using herbal medicine